Timecrest Town Map

graph LR apple[Apple courtyard] library[Grand Library] apple -- 5 minutes --- library merchant[The Timecrest Merchant] library -- 20 minutes --- merchant drape[Drape Heaven] merchant -- 10 minutes --- drape blockM[Block M] drape -- 20 minutes --- blockM admin[The Administration Chambers] library -- 20 minutes --- admin admin -- 20 minutes --- blockM admin -- 30 minutes --- drape blockC[Block C] blockC -- 45 minutes --- blockM gardens[The Gardens] blockM -- 20 minutes --- gardens eastGate[The Eastern Gate] gardens -- 40 minutes --- eastGate ash[Ash's Room] gardens -- 20 minutes --- ash ash -- 25 minutes --- eastGate

Should I Bring an Umbrella? Flowchart

graph TD Start((Start)) raining{Is it raining?} find[Find umbrella] found{Have you found the umbrella?} bring[Bring umbrella] dontBring[Dont bring umbrella] End((End)) Start --> raining raining -- Yes --> find raining -- No --> dontBring dontBring --> End find --> found found -- Yes --> bring found -- No --> raining bring --> End

Medical Services Flowchart

graph TD Start(Start) End(End) arrive[Patient arrives] registered{Is patient registered?} availableNurse{Is nurse available?} recordHC[Record health condition] availableDoctor{Is doctor available?} assignPatient[Assign patient to doctor] needFollowup{Is followup needed?} arrangeAppointment[Arrange appointment] needMeds{Is medication needed?} givePx[Give patient prescription] leaves[Patient leaves] register[Register patient] waitNurse[Wait for available nurse] waitDoctor[Wait for available doctor] Start --> arrive arrive --> registered registered -- Yes --> availableNurse availableNurse -- Yes --> recordHC recordHC --> availableDoctor availableDoctor -- Yes --> assignPatient assignPatient --> needFollowup needFollowup -- Yes --> arrangeAppointment arrangeAppointment --> needMeds needFollowup -- No --> needMeds needMeds -- Yes --> givePx givePx --> leaves needMeds -- No --> leaves leaves --> End availableDoctor -- No --> waitDoctor waitDoctor --> availableDoctor availableNurse -- No --> waitNurse waitNurse --> availableNurse registered -- No --> register register --> registered

Example with subgraphs

graph TD visit[Visit Prof. Oak] subgraph choose[Choose your pokemon] char[Choose Charmander] squirt[Choose Squirtle] bulb[Choose Bulbasaur] end go[Go on your adventure] visit --> char visit --> squirt visit --> bulb char --> go squirt --> go bulb --> go